Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oh Canada!

If you think the value of the dollar dropping is all bad, check out this article recently published in The Star, a newspaper out of Toronto. Canadians have some new found money to spend and some of them are looking South for some real estate bargains. Considering this is becoming the best buyer’s market in a long time, I can’t say that I blame them. I recently spoke with real estate broker Marg Scheben-Edey from Ontario. She definitely has seen an increase in interest from the snowbirds in her area. She has even posted about The Star article in her blog. I have personally noticed an increase in Canadians visiting Scottsdale looking for homes. This influx of money from outside the country may be a little shot in the arm for our sagging real estate market. I have talked to others who believe that we will continue to see an increase in snowbird activity from Canada as the Winter gets colder up North. Looks like we might have a good reason to thank our little brother North of the border.

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